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Revision as of 12:07, 4 February 2016

The activities module allows users to keep track of scientific, cultural or business activities in which they have participated. While closely related to events, Pure does make a distinction between both. An event groups a number of related activities and as such is not considered to be the output of a single participant.

For instance, a conference (which can be organised at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, but does not need to be) can consist of the following distinct activities: presentations, key note lectures, organisation, or simply attending. All of these can be, but don't always need to be, entered as separate activities.

An event, once entered into Pure, can be reused by others entering their activities or publications related to the conference (such as chapters in conference proceedings).

Currently, the major activity types are:

  • Awards: prizes, honours and other distinctions won by the researcher
  • Conference participation: organising, attending or speaking at a conference or workshop
  • External academic engagement: external teaching or research, membership of external research organisations
  • Editorial work or peer review of publications: publication-related activities
  • Business and community: consultancy and work related to government and industry
  • Public engagement and outreach: all types of interaction with the general public, the media etc.

All activities require a link with either a journal or a publisher (for Editorial work and peer-review) or an event or external organisation (all other activity types).