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Revision as of 01:08, 20 March 2016

This page contains short answers to many commonly asked questions about Pure and provides links to the relevant wiki pages for more detailed explanations. Additionally, we try to keep this FAQ updated as new comments and questions are mailed to the helpdesk.

Why am I not able to log in?

There are multiple possible reasons why you have problems logging into Pure. Most commonly, people do not have a staff affiliation at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, which is a requirement to get a user account in Pure. See the page on accessing Pure for information on how to obtain a staff affiliation if you don't have one.

In some cases, technical issues in the synchronisations between the different databases prevent you from logging in. This can easily be fixed by notifying the helpdesk.

Other reasons for not being able to log in include using the e-mail address as username instead of the net-id (the part before the @-sign in your original e-mail address) or using a wrong password. If you forgot your password, you can reset it at https://idsapp.vub.ac.be/pam/pamlogin.php.

Students without staff affiliation do not have access to Pure.

I'm getting e-mails informing me about changes in my publications I haven't made. What's up with that?

Multiple options: first, you'll be informed if one of your colleagues adds you as a co-author on a publication. Obviously, this means you no longer have to enter the publication. As long as you were added as an internal person (if you've gotten the e-mail, this is the case), the publication will automatically be added to your record. Similarly, if you were accidentally added as an external person on a publication, it is possible that an administrator fixes this by linking the publication to your record.

The second possible reason for a mail like this is that an administrator made a change, specifically when a publication was placed in a different category. This is part of a large data cleaning effort that aims at improving legacy data quality. Feel free to contact us if you feel the change we made was a mistake.

How can I sort the publications on my CV by date and by type?