User Support

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RIDM offers training and support to all users who require assistance. If you have problems or questions, the fastest way to get a response from the right person is by sending an email to the Pure helpdesk. We also provide group training sessions, both at the Brussels Humanities, Sciences & Engineering Campus and the Brussels Health Campus. This is the schedule for 2016-2017:

Datum Tijdstip Campus Lokaal Inschrijven
4/1/2017 14-16 Etterbeek M420 Inschrijven
6/1/2017 14-16 Jette FMR Inschrijven
25/1/2017 14-16 Etterbeek M420 Inschrijven
15/2/2017 14-16 Etterbeek M015 Inschrijven
17/2/2017 14-16 Jette FMR Inschrijven
15/3/2017 14-16 Etterbeek M420 Inschrijven
12/4/2017 14-16 Etterbeek M015 Inschrijven
14/4/2017 14-16 Jette FMR Inschrijven
12/5/2017 14-16 Jette FMR Inschrijven
17/5/2017 14-16 Etterbeek M420 Inschrijven
9/6/2017 14-16 Jette FMR Inschrijven
21/6/2017 14-16 Etterbeek M015 Inschrijven

We also provide specific training on demand, for example about reporting in Pure.