Accessing Pure

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Revision as of 10:55, 30 March 2016 by Svdbergh (talk | contribs)
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All VUB employees can access Pure by logging in with their net-id (short form e-mail without and password.

Non-VUB employees need to apply for an assignment as affiliate researcher by filling out this form and submitting it, together with a motivation written by the promotor or the head of the department/research group to the Dean. Enrolling as a PhD-student does not automatically make you a member of staff. Depending on your status, you may still need to register as an affiliate researcher.

While master students do have profiles in Pure, they do not have access to the database. They can, however, be added on theses as authors by promoters.

If you think you should have access to Pure, but are unable to login, please send a message to the Pure Helpdesk.

Basic permissions allow researchers to edit their own content and to view all other content which has not been marked as confidential. However, to edit or add content they do not "own", additional permissions are required. These permissions can be obtained at the Pure Helpdesk.