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SSH means "Secure shell". Using SSH, it is possible access a command line on the web server. Using SSH has many afvantages: it is lightweight, it is designed with security as the most important criterium, it is supported on many platforms, and it is a well known method to manage computer systems from a distance.

for you, as a web hosting user, SSH is especially useful if you:

  • want to modify cron jobs yourself
  • have written scripts to automate certain aspects of your site
  • wish to use programs such as Drush or wp-cli

Generate SSH key pair


Microsoft Windows

Setting Up an SSH Session with SSH Keys in PuTTY When you recieve a confirmation from the hosting team that your public key has been added to your website on the webserver, we can use PuTTY (or whatever application that can use ssh with public keys) to connect to it. We will do this by setting up and saving a session. This way we will be able to quickly reconnect at a later time with all of our settings saved.

Open PuTTY and click on the plus sign of the "SSH" category in the navigation menu:

Img1 ssh tree putty.png

Within this category, click on the "Auth" sub-category. There is a field on this screen asking for the "Private key file for authentication". Click on the "Browse" button:

Img2 ssh menu putty.png

Search for the private key file that you saved. This is the key that ends in ".ppk". Find it and select "Open" in the file window:

Img3 ssh key select.png

Next, in the Navigation menu, click on the plus sign of the “Connection” category. You will see a sub-menu with a sub-category “data”. Click on “Data” and then fill in the text box like here below.

Img4 ssh login.png

The user to fill in is “<username>”

Img5 ssh login full.png

Now, in the navigation menu, we need to return to the "Session" category screen that we started at. This time, we need to create a name for the session that we will be saving. This can be anything, so select something that will help you remember what this is for.

Img6 ssh client.png

When you are finished, click on the "Save" button.

Img7 ssh client2.png

You now have saved all of the configuration data needed to connect to your new server.

Connect to Your Server Using the Saved PuTTY Session Now that you have your session saved, you can recall these values at any time by returning to the "Session" screen, selecting the session you would like to use in the "Saved Sessions" section, and click "Load" to recall the settings. This will auto-fill all of the fields with the values you initially selected. When you are ready to actually connect to your server, on the "Sessions" screen, click the button at the bottom that says "Open" after you have loaded your session:

Img8 ssh open.png

The first time that you connect with the remote host, you will be asked to verify the identity of the remote server. This is expected the first time you connect to a new server, so you can select "Yes" to continue.

Img9 ssh warning.png

Afterwards, you should immediately be logged into your new server without ever having to type in a password If you've gotten this far, you've successfully configured SSH keys with your web server!



SSH staat voor Secure Shell. Met SSH is het mogelijk een remote commandolijn te krijgen op onze webserver. SSH heeft tal van voordelen: het is licht in gebruik, ontworpen met veiligheid als belangrijkste vereiste, ondersteund op vele platformen, en een goed ingeburgerde manier om op afstand systemen te beheren.

SSH is voor u als hosting-gebruiker vooral nuttig indien u:

  • zelf cron jobs wil aanpassen
  • scripts hebt geschreven die bepaalde aspecten van uw site automatiseren
  • u met programma's als Drush of wp-cli wenst te werken
  • ...