WIIFM (What's in it for me?)

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As a researcher, you may feel that Pure is an additional administrative burden on your already full schedule. That is why we do our best to minimize the time you have to spend inputting data, while maximizing the reuse of the data you have provided. Moreover, we are constantly developing new tools to enable researchers to limit the time they have to spend on administrative tasks. This page tries to give an overview of what's in it for you and provides links to the pages explaining how to use Pure's features:

Data entry

  • import publications from PubMed, Web of Science and other sources
  • set up automated imports which scan these sources regularly and suggest import candidates
  • import publications via formats such as bibtex or RIS
  • reuse curated metadata, such as journals, external organisations and publishers
  • full support for symbols and non-latin character sets, such as Chinese or Cyrillic


  • extract relevant publication data for upload in the FWO e-Loket
  • predefine and download multiple automatically updated Curricula Vitae
  • keep track of research progress and activity for a department or research group
  • we have also automated the extraction of your academic record for promotions


  • visualize your research output, activities and projects on the Pure Portal
  • feed your personal or organizational website through the rss-feeds on the Pure Portal
  • automated push of high-quality research information to the Flemish Research Information Space
  • make your Open Access research output available through the built-in repository

Of course, we are always open to suggestions to improve the system and enable you to reuse the data as much as possible. If you find yourself having to deal with a recurrent report for a funding agency, a manual CV or list of publications for a project proposal or other repetitive, manual tasks involving data which is already in Pure, don't hesitate to contact us.